Stories of Hope

YOU’RE NEVER TOO YOUNG TO CREATE A LEGACY: REMEMBERING YUSUF HIRJI Yusuf was 16 when he was diagnosed with the same cancer as Terry…
On Sunday, May 8, 2022, The Terry Fox Foundation lost one of its greatest friends, the mighty Will Dwyer of Barrie, Ontario. Will participated…
I was just a young teenage girl in Canada when Terry Fox dipped his artificial leg into the Atlantic Ocean and began his Marathon…
– I’ve lived in Canada since 2007, but my first visit here from England was in the summer of 1980. I was here as…
The first time I saw Terry Run was on a dark, lonely highway in rural New Brunswick at 4:30 in the morning. Although I…
“I first saw Terry Fox running west on Dundas Street in downtown London. It was an incredibly hot humid day. The streets were packed….
I was ten years old in 1980 when I first saw Terry Fox. Our family was one that paid attention to the national news….
Terry had inspired me tremendously in 1980, & has ever since with his Marathon Of Hope. Motivated by Terry I decided it was time…
I have been a fan of Terry Fox ever since I was eight years old, when my parents took me to see him as…
In April 1980, I was working hard at my first career job, working long hours, and traveling two streetcars, and two buses to return…

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Cancer Survivors