It Starts With You!

Everything you need to share your fundraising effort and experience online with family and friends! Choose from a variety of creative assets to share across all social media platforms and find loads of relevant information and resources below. 

“Even though I’m not running anymore, we still have to try to find a cure for cancer. Other people should go ahead and try to do their own thing now.”

Thanks to our Community Terry Fox Run Organizers, Canadians from coast to coast to coast have the opportunity to contribute to a cause that touches us all. We are all touched by cancer in some way, and we are all connected through Terry. His mission is now our mission, and we will continue to work together until Terry’s dream is realized, no matter what.

Organizing a Run: Let's Go!

You said “Yes” to bringing a Terry Fox Run to your community – now what’s next? You can find best practices, our policies and guidelines, advice from Run Organizers and more here.

Getting Your Volunteer Team Together

Many hands make light work! Form a committee to ease the load using our helpful organization charts, templates, and job descriptions.

Promotion Made (Very) Easy

Let us help bring your Terry Fox Run to life! Look at what we provide free of charge, and the extra items that you can download to enhance your promotions.

Social Media Assets + Resources

We have you covered for all your social media needs! Download images and graphics for all platforms, including ones that you can customize for your Run.

Community Teams

Inviting businesses, organizations, and groups to join your Run is a great revenue (and atmosphere!) booster! We have some great content to help you recruit and encourage Teams.

Run Day Action Plan... and After!

Let us help you through the biggest day in the Terry Fox Run calendar, with all the documents, instructions and video links that will make Run Day a huge success.